Non-fiction for 2015

I like to think up lists of books I want to read. Last year I came with 5 fiction and five non-fiction books I wanted to read. I did not do it, by the way, I only read a couple of them. I think this is because my mood and my interest at that moment often dictated if I want to read a book or not. And that changes very often. I also must admit I completely forgot I ever made a list!

But still, I have another list of non-fiction books I think I will read this year. (and we will see if I actually do it, let's hope I will not forget about it again)

  • Michael and Natasha by Rosemary and Donald Crawford.  A biografy about the younger brother of tsar Nicolas II.
  • A distant mirror by Barbara Tuchman. This ia a book I read many years ago. I want to finish it this time and see if I still like it as much. (that I did ot finish it the first time was because of other reasons)
  • Thomas Beckett by John Guy. Previously I read the excellent biography about Mary, Queen of Scots by John Guy, so I am curious to see how I like this book about the priest who got killed by Henry I. (who will rid me of this meddelsome priest)
  • Leonard Woolf by Victoria Glendinning. I do not know very much about Leonard Woolf, only that he was married to Virginia and he had to take of her everytime she got ill. I want to get to know him better. 
  • Churchill by Geoffrey Best. The last biography on my pile (as you can see, I like biographies), about the amazing Winston Churchill who also loved cats very much as I read somehwere. Love it.

  • Comments

    1. I used to make lists like this but always failed so I just read as I please, although I do make little goals still. This year I'm hoping to reading 12 non fiction books.
      Good luck with your mini reading list!
      Bits & Bobs

      1. I usually read as I please, so this is no promise I will actually read this books. Just the books I think I will read, because I really like the look of them :-)

        Kind regards,


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