Art in Amsterdam

During the Summer vacation a friend and I walked along the route of ArtZuid (Art in the south of Amsterdam), a route of 5 kilometres  along 70 sculptures and works of art. 

Every two years this is organized and it showcases both Dutch artists and ones from abroad. The collection is very divers, with very abstract work, but also figurative. 

It was a beautiful day and we loved walking along al those beautiful works, although of course there were a few we did not like. But in an exhibition of 70 works, there is more than enough to enjoy! 

Here are some hightlights of the ArtZuid route: (I do not always have the name of the artist or the work. If I know it, it is under the photo)

Marcel Pinas, Fanka Tiki

Shine, Ronald Westerhuis

Sitting woman, Nel van Lith

100 heads, Marc Quin

Carlos Blaaker, Balenceando con mis cosas

More information can be found HERE

The sculptures are here until October 17th 2021. 


  1. That's so cool that they do that! And such amazing sculptures, too. :)

    1. Yes, it is quite amazing, and so many beautiful sculptures!

      Kind regards,


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