The Malevich exhibition in Amsterdam

Kazimir Malevich is the example of Russian avant garde art. He was born in 1878 and was trained as a painter in Moskow. He was a traditional painter, but more and more he became influenced by modern ideas. He took these ideas and made them his own. His work became abstract. His white on white series is the ultimate abstraction, there is nothing more that can be left out in such a painting.
At the end of his life he went back to figurative painting, closing the circle.
Malevich did not only paint, he was also a teacher and a huge influence on the next generation of painters in Russia, and the world.

The Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam has the largest collection of Malevich works outside of Russia, and now there is an exhibition that is even grander, with works on loan from museums in for example London and Thessaloniki. Over 500 works from Malevich and his contemporaries are gathered here.

My mother and I visited this exhibition last week and it is beautiful. Malevich makes me happy, I cannot put it any other way.
The exhibition is put together very well, and you can see how his work changed. It is almost impossible to believe that all these works came from one and the same painter. It was absolutely amazing.

If you have the chance: go and visit, the Malevich exhibition can be seen until February. (5 euro additional fee)
Here you see how Malevich's work changed, from being influenced by French painters like Monet, to cubism and becoming more and more abstract and back to painting figuratively at the end of his life.
