Early medieval jewelry

In Leiden I saw some amazig jewelry from the early Middle Ages in the museum. There was an exhibition about the Netherlands in the Merovingian times (400-700 AD).
As you can see, gold and different kinds of stones were used to create colourful necklaces and other jewelry. These stones were sometimes from the Netherlands, but also from places as far away as India.
All these pieces can bee seen in The Rijksmuseum voor Oudheden in Leiden.

A fibula

Golden bracelets and coins

Different fibulae


Two necklaces

Small necklace and a coin that fell of the necklace

Gorgeous purple stones (and you see the camera in the glass)

Necklace of purple stones and golden coins,
and again a visible photocamera and my hands.


  1. Wow. So interesting and beautiful...especially the fibulae! Thanks for sharing.

    1. The exhibition was very beautiful, and the great thing is, that even ca 1500 years later, we still love this jewely and can relate to the people who wore these necklaces etc.
      The fibulae are beautiful, aren't they?

      Kind regards,


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