Two museums in Rome

Palazzo Barberini
As I said before, there are many beautiful museums in Rome, and it is worth going to the ones that are not so well known.
Here are two Roman museums I really recommend.

Museo di Roma in Trastevere
This museums shows the history of Rome from the 18th century untill now, focussing on festivals, streetlife etc. Due to restaurations I could only visit the second floor, but here I saw a beautiful exhibition of watercolours (1900) from places in Rome, and one with photographs from Rome, dating from the end of the 19th century.
Really surprising.

Palazzo Barberini
In this large palazzo once owned by the Barbarini family there is now a museum, full with the Barberini's magnificent art collection.
Religious art, Dutch masters, Caravaggio and his followers, portraits of Erasmus and Beatrice Cenci.
Every time I visit I wonder which paintings will be on display, since not all rooms can be visited all the time due to maintenance.
The palazzo itself is also beautiful.


  1. While the museums where I live are not nearly as amazing as these, the art museum nearest my house has an exhibition of artwork on loan from the National Museum of Wales...and there are six J.M.W. Turner paintings on display. I got to go see them yesterday, and they were amazing! One's just a small sketch, but two are his seascapes. Seeing them makes me want to see more. :)

    1. Oh that is amazing! They are beautiful, are they not? This shows that keeping an eye on the exhibitions close to home can also have the most wonderful results.

      But if you ever have the chance to go to Rome, these two museums are quite amazing :-)

      Kind regards,


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