Summer vacation wrap-up

Goodmorning! It has been a long time, but the Summer vacation is over and I am back at blogging. I hope you all had a great Summer, mine was very good!

Just quickly, an overview in numbers:

Things I did:
- Books read: 19
- Series and television: CarnivĂ le (2 seasons), The Americans (season 5), The Frankenstein chronicles (2 seasons) and numerous episodes of Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders, making the team. The reruns are shown on Dutch television now and I love it. Cheerleading is not a Dutch thing and I must confess I always thought it was just silly. But this show has given me new respect for these ladies and what they need to do to become a cheerleader. And I like how there are all so very nice, unlike in some other reality-series! So, I can say I am a DCC fan!

- Exhibitions: 2
- Dates with friends: 4

- Citytrip: 1. (5 days in Rome: 15 works by Caravaggio, 4 museums, 5 churches, walked 44.2 km/27.4 mile and I bought one amazing handbag)

- new items bought for the schoolyear: 5
- new clothes: 1 raincoat, one wintercoat, 2 blouses, one pair of shoes, 3 tops

- bookcases: 12
- study: 1
- windows: all windows inside and a few outside
- fridge: 1

Other stuff that I only have time for during the holidays
- dentist appointment: 1 
- hairdresser: 1
- annual check-ups: 1 car and 1 cat. I took Silvia to the vet for her check-up, and I am happy to say she is completely healthy. I was worried since she seems skinnier, but she is still the same weight (2.5 kg, she is a small cat). To be sure they did some bloodwork, but that was excellent. So she is just an old little cat, but there is nothing to worry about.
She was very angry with me, since the vet needed to shave her neck a little to draw some blood and now she has a bald patch in her fur. Silvia was not amused!

As you can see, I did not have any time to get bored, and I must say I did have a good vacation. I do feel it went by very fast, much faster than I imagined. Right now, I am on the second day of the schoolyear and tomorrow I will see my students and then it will be like the vacation never happened.

I do feel like blogging again and I will continue with my schedule with one or two posts per week (Tuesday and Friday). Coming friday I will post some photo's of Rome (something to look forward to)
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  1. What a great summer vacation! I'm glad your cat is healthy, and that you got to spend some time in Rome. I'm looking forward to seeing some of your photos. And 19 books? Good for you! (And I like watching the DCC, too.) Glad you're back! :D

    1. Good to be back, thank you so much!!

      Kind regards,


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