NDSM wharf in Amsterdam

In the north of Amsterdam you have something called the NDSM island. Here you had the Dutch Dokking and Shipbuilding Firm, which was once the largest wharf in Europe. But in the eighties it went bankrupt, so no ships are built here anymore.

Nowadays this is a hip spot for festivals, all kinds of creative initiatives, restaurants etc. The industrial background is perfect for this. And it is just 10 minutes with the ferry from Amsterdam Central Station!

I had to be there a couple of weeks ago because I had an appointment there. I did not know the place, but I loved it. I did not feel like going to the studyday anymore, I wanted to roam around with my photocamera!

I will come back there soon, but for now I had to be content with just a few snap shots with my phone.


  1. I've never seen this part of Amsterdam before. Thanks for sharing!

    1. You're welcome. I did not know about it eighter! Just the name, but not what a great place it is. I will definately come back here to make more photographs.

      Kind regards,

    2. I hope you post some of those, too. :)


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