
In these difficult times a lot of us feel disconnected. Perhaps you are worried about your own health, or that of your loved ones, and perhaps there are other worries as well, especially since a lot of businesses must close and this can be a real problem for small- business owners.

In The Netherlands the schools are closed and I work very hard (with all my colleagues of course) to provide online education for our students.
My parents, my friends are healthy, and so am I, and for that I am grateful.

All I can do is seek peasure in small things, like buying flowers for my living room. (still allowed to walk outside when there are not a lot of people, and I bought these at the supermarket).

For now I hope you are all well and I will leave you with these beautifil hyacinths. 


  1. Take care of yourself and stay safe! Thinking of you :-)

    1. Thank you, and the same to you, I hope you are safe and healthy as well.

      Kind regards,

  2. Those hyacinths are gorgeous! I love spring flowers. And I'm glad to hear you're doing well.

    Can you believe someone stole that painting by Van Gogh? Talk about crazy!

    1. Spring flowers are the best, I think. And I hate it when people steel art from a museum. That paining was for everybody to enjoy.

      Kind regards,

    2. painting... (can't type anymore)


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