Exhibition, Silence out loud

Willem van Althuis, Laaxum
What is silence and how does are silence and art connected? Some artists try to make the invisible visible. Searching in the emptiness, in the light, in mist, the sky or under water. Looking at people who have their backs turned to the viewers or who look so serene that you cannot see anything but silence.

Can silence be found in the whitest white or in the blackest black? Is emptiness silence, or perhaps God or are these all the same?

In the little town of Bergen in the province of North-Holland you have the exhibition Silcence out loud in the museum Kranenburgh. It was put together by Dutch writer Joost Zwagerman, who sadly never saw the opening in December 2015, he committed suicide just the month before. 
Hendrik Kerstens, Paula

He took almost two years to work on it, speaking with museums and artists to persuade them to lend their works to this exhibition. He has put together almost hundred-and-fifty works, mostly from contemporary Dutch and Belgian artists. 
Marlene Dumas, Crucifix 2011

I really enjoyed the exhibition, it was very beautiful. There were many different works, but it was consistent due to the main theme: silence. Some works took my breath away, others made me think or expressed silence so real that I could almost feel it in my body. 
Lara de Moor, Lullaby

There is also a book with essays by Joost Zwagerman that goes with this exhibition, but sadly there is no English translation.

Silence out loud can be seen until June 12th in Bergen, so if you have the chance, please go and experience the silence for yourself. 


  1. They do evoke silence! I especially like the Hendrik Kerstens painting. Very striking. Thanks for sharing. :)

    1. Yes, I love how that painting makes you think of 17th century Dutch portraits, but then you see it is a plastic bag on her head. It was a beautiful painting to see, I loved most of the works in this exhibition!

      Kind regards,


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