Biographies I want to read this year

I love to read biographies. A good biography does not only give you new insights in the life of a person you admire or find interesting, but also tells you more about the time that person lived in.

I tend to read mostly biographies about historical people I admire, but also about writers and artists I love.
For this coming year I have selected a few biographies I really want tot read.
The first one is: Marilyn Monroe by Michelle Morgan. I read several other good biographies about Marilyn Monroe, but I love to read another one and I hope this is a good one as well.

Then Evelyn Waugh, a life revisited by Philip Eade. Brideshead revisited is my alltime favorite book and I also really enjoyed the other books by him I read, so I would like to know more about his life. I always have the impression he was not the nicest of men, but hopefully this biography will help me understand this fascinating man better.

The same goes for Daphne du Maurier by Margaret Forster. I really enjoy most books I read by Daphne du Maurier and I just want to know more about herself. I have read the book by Tatiano de Rosnay, but that was not really a biography but more of a novel in some respects.

Sergei Diaghilev by Dutch writer Sjeng Scheijen is about the founder of the Ballet Russes and all the interesting history surrounding that, Russia and ballet and France and people like Vaslav Njinski and others. I cannot wait!

Diane Arbus, Portrait of a photographer by Arthur Lubow is about the photographer Diane Arbus who was well known for her photographs of people on the edge of society, like circus people. I am interested in photography and I would like to know more about her. I have seen the movie Fur with Nicole Kidman and I liked it very much, but I do realize this is not a factional biography. So, that is why I want to read this book.


  1. The Daphne du Maurier one looks good.

    1. Yes, I think so as well and in fact, I think this is the one I will read first.

      Kind regards,

  2. I'll be curious to hear your verdict on the Daphne du Maurier biography :-) I also like biographical essays and biographies in general. I have a collection of essays on 19th century women travelling around the world by Julia Keay on my pile that I hope to tackle soon! That should be interesting...

    1. I will let you know how I like that one. And the 19th cventury women also sounds very interesting, I would love to read your review/ideas about it!

      Kind regards,

    2. I will definitely let you know what I think about it!

  3. Biographies make for some very interesting reads! I wish my library had the Daphne du Maurier bio; I'd like to read that one. Let me know if it's any good! :)

    1. I will certainly let you know if and how I like the one about Daphne du Maurier. Funny, how all of us want to know about that one!

      Kind regards,


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