Plants, plants, plants, and even more plants

When everything in the world seems to be quite awful, I focus on the things I can control and one of those tings is my own home. One of the best things when the days are short, dark and cold, is to make it cosy and warm inside. 

One of the things I need to have a cosy home are plants, so I decided to take a good look at the plants I had and to replace the ones that needed replacing. 

I also sought a solution for the bedroom where I cannot have plants on the windowsill, since I open the window each day, even when it is freezing outside. So all plants there perish. But I found a lovely solution, a table next to my bed, with room for some plants!

This looks really nice. I usually keep this curtain closed since there is a large window behind it and it feels like everybody on the gallery can look straight into my bedroom. 

A lovely combination here, with a gorgeous plant and this cute wooden doll. 

I do not have a lot of windowsills, but I do have lots of bookshelves! 

In the back my window faces north, and I need to keep my plants close to the window. I use this table to make a sort of windowsill. 

This is on the diningtable, No flowers at the moment, but plants. 

And this amazing cactus needed two years of rest and no fuss to give me flowers like these. Well worth the wait!!!
